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Electrical Circuits: Definition, Causes For Your Property

Electrical CircuitsElectricity is one of the main needs in the household. Even so, many don’t pay much attention to the flow of electricity in the dwelling. If the electricity is neglected and not monitored while using it, it can be fatal. Fire can be a risk if the use of electricity is not properly monitored. To anticipate this incident, you must understand the electrical short circuits. The following article will discuss the causes and ways to prevent electrical circuits.

Definition of Electric Short Circuit

Short circuit or commonly known as a short circuit is the term for an electric short circuit. This happens due to an electric current that deviates from the cable line that has been installed. This causes the flow of electric current through the network that is shorter than it should be.

Or technically, the cause of this short circuit occurs because the electric current is cut off. There is a collision between the positive electric current and the negative electric current which causes an electric circuit.

Causes of Electrical Short Circuit

The occurrence of a fire due to an electrical short circuit is certainly very dangerous because it can claim lives. To avoid electrical short circuits, you must know what are the causes of electrical short circuits which will be explained as follows:

Imperfect Cable Connection

Cables with imperfect connections have a high risk of electrical short circuits in buildings or residences. If the cable connections are not neat and the insulators on the cables are not tightly attached, the electric current in the cables can go off the rails and cause a short circuit.

The socket is loose

The next cause of an electrical short is a loose socket. Sockets that are unstable and no longer sturdy will result in decreased quality. The way it works is not good anymore. Loosening the socket can produce a spark resulting in an electrical short.

Low-Quality Electrical Devices

Electrical devices that do not comply with safety standards or are of low quality can increase the risk of an electric short circuit. Because the constituent components are too fragile and easily damaged. Therefore, you must make sure you are using an electrical device bearing the SNI logo.

Exposure to High Temperatures

If an electrical device is exposed to excessively high temperatures or is near a heat source such as a fire, it may cause an electric short circuit. Therefore, make sure that electrical devices are not near any heat-generating sources.

Incompatible Cable

You must use a cable capacity that is suitable for its application. That is, if you need electricity with a high enough voltage, make sure the capacity of the cable that carries the electric current is appropriate and not under the voltage you are using. This effort is one way to prevent electrical short circuits.

Overloaded Outlet

A T-terminal socket is an electrical device commonly used for everyday purposes. However, it is not uncommon for a short circuit to occur at the socket due to careless use.

One of the causes of a short circuit is an overloaded socket. If there are too many wires plugged into the socket and pile up, they can generate heat. The high temperature comes from the electric current accumulated by the socket. Short circuits can also occur.

Wet Contact Outlet

Water is a substance that can conduct electricity. If an electrical device is exposed to spilled water, of course, it can cause an electric short circuit. Therefore, keep all appliances and power sources away from splashing water.…

Property Property For Sale Real Estate

Real Estate: Definition, Examples, Differences with Property

Real EstateInvestment has become one of the most popular things lately. You can join in various assets ranging from stocks, gold, and property to real estate. Maybe not a few of you are still unfamiliar with the last investment. You can not only find the word real estate in soap operas to Korean dramas which are usually associated with rich people, but you can also find it in real life! If you are interested in knowing more about definitions, and examples to know the difference between real estate and property, you can find out in the following review. Let’s see together!

What is Real Estate?

Quoted from Wikipedia in Indonesian, real estate (real estate) or real estate is a legal term that includes land together with anything that resides on the land, such as buildings or projects. The real estate business is a type of activity with great potential for the long term. For this reason, many people are interested in this field, including investing. This industry, which was first regulated by the government in 1974, is generally known by many people as a business of buildings, housing, and other buildings.

Real Estate Example

Not only abroad, but Indonesian real estate can also now be said to have developed rapidly to attract many investors. You will find it easy to meet real estate agents spread all over the area. If you think that real estate is synonymous with housing, then obviously this understanding is not quite right because who would have thought that real estate has a large enough scope? Real estate is grouped into 3 different categories namely residential, commercial, and finally industrial.

Based on these three categories, we can provide examples of real estate to add insight. Some of them are townhomes, retail stores, factories, houses, condominiums, housing, and office buildings. After knowing the various examples, you cannot clearly say that a building, factory, or even a condominium is real estate, because you need to check again who owns the land and the building. Is it important? Yes, because it could be that the building is a property. To be clearer, you can find the difference between the two in the next review.

Difference with Property

If it is often associated with houses to housing, real estate does not seem much different from the property. Of course, this statement is not quite right. Is there any difference? There is! However, before going any further, we will explain the property. The property itself is ownership of the land or buildings attached to it so if you own a property. You are not only entitled to the land but also the buildings on it.

Based on this understanding, can you conclude what is the difference between real estate and property? Real estate only focuses on the physical aspect, namely buildings or land, while the property is not only limited to that but is also based on ownership of both the building and the land. The difference is pretty straightforward, right? So, now you can differentiate between the two very well to make it even more real, one example of a property that you can find is Mustika Park Place.

Housing located on Jl. Burangeng Raya, Setu – Bekasi, Kec. Setu, West Java has many advantages in terms of certificates of Building Use Rights to PBB. Another advantage that you can enjoy is a variety of interesting facilities, complete with greenery, infiltration lakes, and clubhouses. What is no less interesting, this area is also equipped with a mini market.

Real Estate and Property Investment Benefits

Bonus! If you are interested in investing in this field, it would be nice for you to know the advantages or advantages of investing in real estate and property. Some of the benefits include having a lower risk than other investments, profits that tend to increase over time, and many more. This tempting offer is what makes investors start to switch to real estate and property investment. Are you the next investor?

So, that’s a complete explanation regarding the meaning, examples,  and differences between real estate and property which can be additional knowledge, especially for those of you who want to invest. There are no more words that you don’t understand or understand after reading this article that we made, aren’t it? It’s no longer for personal knowledge, you can also share this important information with friends and family so you won’t be misguided if you are offered an investment, both real estate and property. Now, you can rest easy on investing!…

Home Home

Most Popular Bedroom Inspiration, Make You Feel More At Home

HomeThe bedroom is a private room that is used to release the fatigue after a day of activities outside the home. Not only resting but the bedroom can also be used as a place to relax. Work and do other interesting activities.

As a private area, the bedroom should be designed according to the needs and tastes of its occupants. A room with a limited size must consider the interior color, the size of the furniture, and the way things are arranged so that it feels comfortable and not cramped.

To add to your reference, here are 5 bedroom inspirations that you can apply to your home.

Industrial Bedroom

Not only suitable for use in restaurant designs but industrial themes can also be applied to your bedroom. This design features gray-toned materials such as concrete floors, and unfinished or left plain walls without a touch of light-colored paint.

To give the impression of what it is, industrial bedrooms can utilize recycled materials. Some of them are like a bed made of packing wood. Chairs made from used car tires, and decorative lights strung from used pipes.

Rustic Themed Bedroom

The rustic bedroom is one of the most popular bedroom designs in 2021 because it can present a natural atmosphere in it. This design is characterized by the use of earth-tone colors such as light brown, brick red, and white.

In contrast to the classic design, a rustic bedroom uses an interior without finishing. Tables and beds were left in the original brown color without varnish. While the walls were left as is without mortar or paint.

Scandinavian Style Bedroom

The Scandinavian concept is famous for everything white. From wall paint, furniture, and floors to ornaments such as pillows and curtains. Many bedrooms with this concept have been adapted to minimalist homes because they can give a broad and bright impression to the bedroom.

In order not to look stiff, a Scandinavian bedroom can be added with a touch of other colors through ornamental plants, wall hangings, and lights. In addition, you should use a yellow bulb at night to make it look cool and comfortable to the eyes.

Eclectic Bedroom

For those of you who have a cheerful and energetic personalities. An eclectic bedroom can represent your interesting personality. You can experiment with different flashy colors like red, yellow, and orange.

The hallmark of an eclectic bedroom is the use of various colors in cloth ornaments. Such as carpets, curtains, bed linen to wall hangings. Then the motifs that stand out are geometric shapes such as zig-zag, vertical, lines, and circles.

Artwork concept bedroom

The bedroom is one area where you can express your feelings and style freely. If you like street art, there’s nothing wrong with applying it to several parts of the bedroom.

With minimalist room walls and furniture. Add a mural painting on one of the walls. The other side can be decorated in the form of signposts, traffic signs, or posters. This room design is perfect for teenage boys.

Those are some of the most popular bedroom inspirations in 2021 that can be applied to your home with a minimalist concept. The bedroom is a private area, so it’s not a problem if the concept is different from the main house design.…

Home Home

Minimalist Home Ceiling Design Models, Easy to Follow!

Home It can be said that the ceiling is part of a home structure that is rarely a concern for many people. The selection and installation of the right ceiling will be enough to determine the comfort of a room in the home. Today, most modern minimalist design houses use ceilings. A properly installed ceiling will affect facilitate air circulation so that it can muffle sound, especially for music rooms and the like.

So, here are some ceiling design recommendations for a minimalist home that you can consider!

White Minimalist Ceiling

White is a color that can be used to give a clean and spacious impression and is even very suitable when combined with other colors. Rooms are usually 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 in size, so as not to seem cramped, a white ceiling will help give a different touch.

To get rid of the monotonous impression on this ceiling model, you can add lamps with a modern or classic design. White light can make the atmosphere of the room brighter, while yellow gives calm and peace.

Wood Accent Home Ceiling

For a modern classic home look, the ceiling of the house can be made of wood and PVC boards. To create an elegant impression, the ceiling can be completely covered with wood. Meanwhile, to keep it looking modern, wood materials can be partially applied to the ceiling and then combined with pendant lights or planting lights.

Round Minimalist Ceiling

The round ceiling design is more suitable to be applied to rooms that are slightly larger and without partitions, for example, a family room, living room, or dining room. With a unique design, this ceiling simply uses a simple form of lamp or hidden lamp in your minimalist home.

Minimalist Cone Concept Ceiling

Building a summer vacation atmosphere in the bedroom is certainly something you might be able to do. You can simply use a ceiling with a classic cone concept. A ceiling with this shape is very popular because it looks high and makes the room feel airy and spacious.

To make the classic impression stand out, even more, a rotating fan can be installed in the center of the ceiling instead of a lamp. For lighting, you can use hidden lamps, spotlights, or stick lamps.

Coffered Type Minimalist Ceiling

The ceiling design with the Coffered type is made to make the room look more unique and attractive. This ceiling is made of square panels made from wood planks, mirrors, and metal.

In the center of the panel, you can place a luxurious hanging crystal chandelier as the main lighting. Meanwhile, on the side panel several small lights can be installed but with dimmer lighting to support the main light.

Futuristic Minimalist Ceiling

For those of you who like modern concepts and keep up with the latest technological developments, a minimalist ceiling with a futuristic touch is highly recommended. Use quirky colors like silver, gray, or gold to make this concept stand out.

Ceilings with a futuristic theme are very easy to combine with other room interiors such as sofas, tables, wall hangings, and even high-tech items. Futuristic minimalist ceilings can be used in kitchens, living rooms, and workspaces.…

Building Contractor Contractors

Get to know Smart Building Interior Design for a Dream Home

Building Today, advances in technology are increasingly reaching many things to be done easily, quickly, and efficiently. One of them is preparing quality residential smart buildings that require technological sophistication. Residential with the smart building concept is not familiar to the public, but its existence is all around us.

Residential smart buildings have many benefits ranging from the effectiveness of energy reduction and budget spending. Various things can be done without human intervention and will make it easier for homeowners. Unfortunately, it takes quite a lot of funds to own a smart building. To find out more about smart buildings, let’s look at the following reviews, starting from understanding, examples of interior design, to existing components.

Definition of Smart Building

What are smart buildings? If interpreted literally, smart building means smart or smart buildings. Of course, functionally, a smart building will give an idea of ​​how a building can work more effectively, not just as a residence. But as a place that provides comfort, security, and savings.

The working principle of smart buildings is the integration of all components in the building. The basis of its work is using the help of sensors that automatically work on their own according to system settings or the existence of a Building Automation System (BAS). Smart building is generally used in large buildings such as offices, hotels, airports, hospitals, and skyscrapers. However, now it can be applied to residential homes as well.

What can this system integration do? There are lots of benefits, such as turning on the lights at night, paying for electricity automatically, turning off unused electrical energy, monitoring room temperature, and humidity, setting lighting levels, and optimizing home surveillance cameras. This is all done without human control or is called the integration of the building components themselves. Even though it is very genius, the system in the smart building is very complicated and must be done by experts requiring stable and fast internet power. In addition, the budget required is very large. However, in the future smart building will greatly save costs.

Examples of Smart Building Interior Design

If you already understand the concept of a smart building, take a look at the interior design of smart buildings. In general, smart building interior design is the same as housing, there are only a few components that are sensory in certain parts as shown above. Every corner of the area has technological sophistication.

In the picture above, it is clear that each part has an integrated control system starting from lighting automation, heating (smart thermostat), HVAC, security, and other household appliances.

Smart Building Components

In a smart building, of course, some components can be activated into a sophisticated system that can easily help with security and convenience in-home activities. The following are some of the components of a smart building;

Temperature and Humidity

HVAC or Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning is a system in a smart building that regulates room temperature and humidity automatically. By using automatic sensors, humidity and temperature in the room can be monitored precisely.


In the lighting component, the system works to adjust the right lighting level in the room. If the room has enough light, the light automatically turns on and the curtains open. If the light conditions are dim or when it is cloudy, the lights will automatically turn on.


The bigger the building, the greater the energy use. The use of manual energy in buildings may cause waste and expenses that are quite high. With an on-off system that automatically follows the system, energy can be managed properly. For example, the use of computers, televisions, and other electronic goods must automatically turn off when the building is empty.


Security is a crucial component needed by buildings such as CCTV, door locks, sensors for automatic opening and closing controls, and home alarms. This security system can be activated with a code, fingerprint, and various other ways. With control like this, the house will be very secure.

The residential security system is also implemented at Mustika Village Karawang which has a security layer and is equipped with CCTV at the main gate. This security makes Mustika Village Karawang a safe and comfortable place to live.…

Home Home

Kinds of Superior Home Ventilation, Stuffy Disappears

Home A healthy life cannot only be created from a diet. The need for air in the room is also very important. Therefore, home air ventilation is very necessary and must exist in every residence. Air ventilation itself has a working system that regulates the entry and exit of air into the room so that the room feels fresh and comfortable to live in. Unfortunately, some houses don’t apply proper ventilation so the room becomes stuffy and uncomfortable.

To get the best air. A good air ventilation system is also needed. A good air ventilation system has several criteria, namely being able to distribute air optimally, having sufficient openings, and being able to filter incoming dust or dirty air. This can be achieved by paying attention to the type of air ventilation that will be used in the house. Here are various types of air vents that will make the room feel cool and anti-stuffed.

Ventilation Window

This type is very commonly used, unfortunately, the ventilation window doesn’t work optimally due to an error in the installation process. Window ventilation is usually placed above the main window with a horizontal position and a small gap. However, errors often occur in the size and amount that is not adjusted to the area of ​​the room, so that the air entering and leaving is less than optimal.

Please note that this type of ventilation must have an area of ​​5% of the area of ​​the room, especially for example bedrooms. The installation system must also be considered. The oven is installed face-to-face so that the heat will not settle in the room.

Lost Ventilation

The lobster vent is not only suitable for maximizing air circulation, but also a unique decoration. Lost ventilation is a ventilation style in the form of gaps that form an interesting pattern. This ventilation style is often used as a room divider and also a house fence. Usually, loster vents are made of wood, cement, or ceramic. By using looser ventilation, the house will look decorative and also have fresh air circulation.

Janus ventilation

Janus ventilation is a type of ventilation that is installed on a horizontal window. This type has many advantages that deserve to be the ventilation of choice. Just as a model of adjustable slits so that the light intensity can be obtained as desired. This ventilation is also able to filter dirty air properly. With easy open and close controls, jalousie ventilation is also very easy to use according to the needs of the space. The jalousie model is also very natural and decorative so it can make the room look more eye-catching.

Mechanical Ventilation

In mechanical ventilation, there is the use of an exhaust fan is placed on the roof of the ceiling. The use of ventilation with suction fans is indeed very clean because the air that enters the room will be extracted first. The result of extraction is clean air which is channeled back into the room and polluted air will be discharged through the attic. The use of ventilation is very effective because it can remove contaminated air. This type can be a trap for insects and dust.

Skylight Style Ventilation

Skylights or so-called windows are on the roof of the house. This type of ventilation is usually placed in houses with sloping roofs or low roofs. With this style of ventilation, the roof looks more artistic. However, it needs proper installation so that the roof is easy to use. This type of air vent usually uses aluminum combined with tempered glass.

Air Vent with Glass Nako

Minimalist air ventilation using Nako glass has been used for a long time. This glass is installed with a grid, with slots that can be opened and closed flexibly. No glass itself is now rarely used in housing. Even though Nako glass combined with wood materials gives a simple artistic impression. The utilization of Nako glass as air ventilation is also very appropriate. Because it can be adjusted, the nako glass can control the intensity of light and the air that comes in and out. Cleaning dust on the nako glass is also very easy. At first glance, the Nako glass works like an AC fan, only it’s done manually.

Air Vent from Bamboo

Have you ever tried or found a style of air ventilation with a model like this? This ventilation takes advantage of the natural shape of bamboo in the form of a hollow center. Bamboo will be cut into small pieces. Then installed parallel to form a pattern large enough to fill the air in the room. By utilizing bamboo, the house will seem natural and fresh, and unique. This style also makes the house feel like it is in the countryside. In addition to the living room, air vents with …

Home Home Properties Property

Alternative Residential Container House on the Outskirt City

Residential Apart from being a residential design trend today, container houses are also said to be the most economical home concept in the future. Enough with container cargo, you can already create a dwelling that is quite comfortable but can still look aesthetically pleasing.

In addition, container houses can be a solution to the increasing demand for comfortable properties at affordable prices. Entering the category of semi-permanent buildings. Container houses are dwellings made of container materials used to transport goods.

Having a strong character, resistant to hot and cold weather, and being easily applied to the shape of a house is the reason containers are used as an alternative material in the manufacture of this container house.

So, to find out more, see an explanation of the history, advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations for container houses.

History of Container Houses

The idea of ​​making residential container houses has existed since the 1980s, then began to be developed by an architect from California named Peter DeMaria. Starting from his interest in a large number of unused used containers, this smart architect then explored the steel cargo as a livable dwelling.

As we know, these containers have a minimum weight of 24,000 to 30,480 kg. To build a house with a certain area, Peter DeMaria uses more than one container and combines it with other materials such as galvalume, wood, and glass. This design was successfully accepted by the community so the demand for the manufacture of container houses continues to increase.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Container Houses

Being a solution to the high cost of building permanent houses. Container houses have several advantages and disadvantages, including the following!

Advantages of container houses

  • In making a container house does not require a long time. From assembly to interior design it only takes about 2 -4 weeks.
  • Made of steel, container houses are fairly resistant to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and fires.
  • When compared to permanent buildings, container houses are fairly cheap and fairly easy to maintain.
  • Derived from used containers, having a container house can be said to participate in environmental preservation. Besides that, because the building is semi-permanent it is very easy to dismantle if you want to move it to another location.

Disadvantages of container houses

  • Because it is made of steel, container houses very easy to conduct solar heat. It is recommended to place the container house in a cool environment so that it remains comfortable to live in both day and night.
  • Used containers can only be shipped using special trucks, so care must be taken at the construction site.
  • Even though the installation method is easy, container houses must be assembled by experts or experienced ones. This is because container houses are designed and have different installation methods from houses in general.

Container House Design Recommendations

Here are some recommendations for attractive and unique container house designs:

Minimalist modern container house design

Container houses with a modern minimalist design are unique in their small size but not insulated. Consisting of two combined containers, the house has a bedroom, living room, and kitchen in one row.

Liked by many young people, container houses with a modern minimalist design use lots of bright colors such as yellow, red, and orange to create a cheerful and lively impression.

Mixed wood container house design

In contrast to the minimalist design, container houses combined with wood usually have a larger size and are in the shape of the letter L. Wood accents are usually used on floors, windows, and roofs.

Besides being able to add to the aesthetics of the container house. The use of wood has another function, namely as a damper for hot air temperatures. This design is perfect for container homes built in hot locations such as beaches or suburbs.

Multilevel container house design

For those of you who want a container house built in a densely populated environment, you can apply a multilevel container house design. This design is a solution for small families who want a container house that has more than one room.

To be even more sturdy and aesthetic, multilevel container houses can be combined with brick walls, galvalume roof trusses, and glass windows. Make sure to make enough ventilation and windows so that air circulation in the house is maintained.…