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How to extend the service life of asphalt

How to extend the service life of asphalt

No one wants to spend money on pavement that must be replaced in 2-3 years. And to do asphalt paving repairs as infrequently as possible, you must approach asphalt paving wisely.

To do this, it is necessary:

  • Choose a suitable material.

  • Observe the rules of paving.

  • Properly care for the pavement.

How to choose asphalt

We will not discuss how to design compositions of asphalt mixtures for road construction. There are many normative and methodical documents where this process is painted in detail. But there is no such rigid regulation in the domestic application of asphalt. But there is a great variety of types and grades of material. And the consumer often needs clarification on what to pay attention to.

How to lay asphalt

Many characteristics of the future surface are laid at the stages of laying and compaction of the asphalt mixture.

To “squeeze” out of the material, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  • Carry out the paving in dry and warm (up to +5 ° C).

  • Before laying, stir the mixture additionally so that it is homogeneous.

  • If hot asphalt is used, it should be applied immediately after delivery — before the material cools down.

  • Compaction of hot asphalt should at least be done with a vibratory plate or hand roller or, better yet, a full-fledged road roller.

  • It is best to compact a cold asphalt surface with a vibratory plate.

  • After laying on the hot asphalt, it is better not to drive for 1-2 days to let it cool down and harden; the cold variety has no such restrictions.

  • Proper paving lets you get a strong and durable coating from an asphalt repair company.

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How to Care for Asphalt

If no cars are driving on your pavement, that doesn’t mean it isn’t stressed at all. There are other factors that slowly but surely cause asphalt to deteriorate.

These include:

  • Solar radiation.

  • Precipitation.

  • Temperature fluctuations.

  • Exposure to chemicals.

  • Bitumen aging.

And in reality, they all work together.

To prolong the life of asphalt, you can take the following measures:

Rapid crack sealing

Water, dirt, and aggressive chemicals get into the pavement through cracks. That’s why it’s essential to seal them in time. Bitumen, bituminous emulsions, special asphalt mastics, and sealants can be used for this purpose.

Pothole Repair

Patching potholes is necessary for the same reason as cracks. For minor defects, it is convenient to use bituminous-mineral mixtures and mastics. And large potholes are filled with cold asphalt.

Removing melted snow

Asphalt’s main “enemy” during the off-season is the moisture, which freezes and melts in the surface’s pores. Therefore, with the onset of thawing, snow drifts shouldn’t lie on the asphalt surface.

Refuse to use de-icing chemicals

Aggressive chemicals penetrate asphalt and accelerate the aging of bitumen. This causes the pavement to quickly lose its qualities, becoming brittle and cracking over time.

To protect asphalt from kerosene, gasoline, and motor oil

These act as solvents for bitumen and will corrode asphalt. This is especially true for flooring in garages and outbuildings.

Using protective paints and impregnations

A layer of bitumen impregnation, sealant, rubber, or polymer paint can be applied to the coating. They reliably close the pores of the asphalt and protect it from water and solar radiation. Protective compositions make sense when equipping the backing or using porous mixtures.

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To summarize

Asphalt usually lives at most 8-10 years. This is due to several reasons: climate, increased traffic load. Meanwhile, the warranty period for road surfaces is from 2 to 8 years, depending on the intensity of traffic. Mezhremontmontnye — 12 years for the current repair and 24 years for major repairs.

Asphalt is a pretty durable material. With proper care, it can last more than 15 years without replacement. However, you can extend its service life if you patch potholes and cracks in time, remove snow from the surface, and use protective paints and impregnations.