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Healthy Home: Definition, Characteristics, and Relation

HomeHaving a house, especially if you pay it in installments or buy it with your own business, is of course a matter of pride. Not only starting a new family but buying a house can also be caused by the desire to start a new lifestyle. Namely starting from a healthy home. The house now is not only used to rest after being tired of working but has also been used as a way to maintain the health of the occupants.

The presence of a healthy home helps many people who also want to have one. Then, what are the characteristics that a healthy home related to your health as a resident? This time, the author will explain the complete information and answer all the questions that are currently circling your mind. Cultivating a healthy home can be the perfect start to maintaining your body’s health! Come on, see the full review below.

What is a Healthy Home

Quoted from Kotaku.pu.go.id, according to WHO, a house is a physical structure or building for shelter, where a healthy environment is useful for physical and mental health and social conditions both the health of families and individuals (WHO Commission on Health and the Environment, 2001). Quoted from eprints.ums.ac.id, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2012).

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A healthy house is a house that meets minimum criteria such as access to drinking water, access to healthy latrines, floors, ventilation, and lighting. Thus, the authors can conclude that a healthy home is a home that is free from both air and environmental pollution. Agree?

Characteristics of a Healthy Home

Not a few of you are now wondering what the criteria and indicators for a healthy home are like. Does the house you currently live in include the characteristics of a healthy home or not? To find out, here are the requirements for a healthy home according to the 2014 Permenkes.

Good Ventilation and Air Circulation

Good ventilation will also make good air circulation so that the occupants of the house have good breathing. The size of good ventilation is at least 10% of the total floor area in the room so that there are no stuffy or damp words that are harmful to the health of the house and occupants.

Have a Good Garbage Disposal System

Garbage not only disturbs the sense of sight as well as smell but can also hurt health. Therefore, managing both liquid and solid waste must be done very well. If not, the waste may contaminate the ground surface and water sources. So, it’s better to prevent than cure right?

Large and Overgrown Courtyard with Trees

A large yard will provide opportunities for children to play freely. Don’t forget to fill your yard with trees so that it always provides good oxygen for your body’s health. A shady atmosphere will even make the mind much calmer than an arid yard.

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Clean Water and Environmental Sanitation

Water and environmental sanitation are important and are often the main concern of every home because the need for healthy water and good sanitation will have a good impact in the future.

Healthy Bathrooms and Washing Places

Water health will also have an impact on healthy bathrooms and washing places. In addition, don’t forget that this section is always given natural lighting so that no moss and other things will arise which can also be bad for health.

Free from Fungi and Animals that transmit Disease

Fungi and animals that can transmit diseases such as rats, cockroaches, and others should not be present in healthy homes because they can hurt the health of the home and the occupants.

Healthy Dining and Kitchen Arrangement

The dining room is not only used to fill the nutrients in the body but can also be used as a family gathering place. Therefore, the arrangement of the dining room must be healthy with natural lighting to sufficient artificial lighting. This also applies to the kitchen, where food is prepared.

Bedroom with Healthy Spatial Planning

What is no less important is the place or bedroom that must be made as healthy as possible because you will spend a lot of time resting after being tired from work. Not only charging, but sleeping space health will also help you maintain a healthy body.

Building material

As one of the most important aspects of the development process. The selection of building materials should not be arbitrary. This is because the quality of building materials greatly affects the overall quality of the building.

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