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Tips for Choosing Kitchen Wall Ceramics, Already Done

Kitchen WallUsually, when you want to make a kitchen, you will be confused about choosing the right motif or design for kitchen wall tiles. The reason is, kitchen wall tiles are one of the determining factors for the comfort of a kitchen. Therefore, for those of you who like to cook, it’s better if you know about tips on choosing the right kitchen wall tiles. There are lots of tips you can do. Both from the selection of colors, motifs, materials, and other sides. If you intend to make kitchen ceramics, here are tips that can be done.

Paying Attention to the Selection of Ceramic Materials

The first tip you can do is to choose the ceramic material you want to use. For ceramics near the stove, you can choose ceramics with a type of heat-resistant material. This is so that the ceramic does not crack easily when exposed to fire. Meanwhile, in the food processing area, you can use ceramic with a glossy coating. The goal is to make it easy to clean when exposed to stains. The following are some types of ceramic materials commonly used.

Natural stone


This type of ceramic is very easy to find and is the most widely used. The advantage is in the various colors, such as white, gray, black, and brownish red. Then this type also has a variety of patterns, for example, fine to dramatic fibers. Unfortunately, this type of material is quite expensive.

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This natural stone is no less beautiful. Comes in neutral colors like beige, gray, and warmer colors. Its uniqueness is in the natural cavities found on the surface of the layer.


This type of natural stone usually comes in a shiny dark color. So it is suitable for use on wall tiles or kitchen floors.


This type of material tends to have dark colors, such as gray, cream, and brown. Its advantage is to have good resistance.

Artificial wall


This artificial wall has good density because it has gone through a high-temperature combustion process. This makes it very durable when used.


Glass is a material that has a different luster. In general,

comes in a beautiful colorful mosaic format. Interestingly again, glass

very easy to clean. However, you need to be careful because glass is a material that is prone to breaking.

Paying attention to the color and size of ceramics

Don’t underestimate the color and size of the ceramic used for the kitchen. The reason is that these two things can determine the broad and narrow impression of a kitchen room. Ceramics that have a large size can help make the room wider. Meanwhile, small-sized ceramics can make the kitchen feel narrower.

For matters of color, don’t forget to also adjust it to the lighting in your kitchen. If the light source is not too bright, then choose a bright ceramic color. Likewise, if the light source is bright enough, choose ceramic with a color that is not too flashy.

Choosing Ceramic Motifs that Match Interior Designs

The kitchen will look more attractive if the ceramic used matches the theme of the room. For example, if the kitchen has a cheerful design, you can add fruit motif kitchen wall tiles. It could also be with a kitchen that has a minimalist style and add minimalist kitchen wall tiles which were a trend in 2020. These tips are very useful for avoiding tiles that don’t match the theme of the kitchen.

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The function of ceramics is to protect the walls from dirt or damage. However, the aesthetic value should not be missed. So try to keep the ceramic wall pattern to the theme of the kitchen itself. To make it prettier, you can add a matching kitchen set, table, and dining chairs.

Adding Certain Ornaments

The addition of ornaments is also very important. Where ornaments will make your kitchen panels even more beautiful. Try to choose ornaments that match the theme of your kitchen so that the designs don’t collide. Don’t forget to also adjust the color of the list with the ceramic so that it looks even better.

Choose a Floor Surface

Apart from ceramics for the walls, ceramics for the kitchen floor are also not to be missed. You also need to know what type of ceramic will be used for your kitchen. This is done so that it is easier for you to clean the floor. In addition, try to also choose ceramics for the floor according to the kitchen theme.

Adjusting the Price of Ceramics According to Needs

Another tip that should not be missed is to adjust the type of ceramic with the budget that has been prepared. So, plan expenses in detail before deciding to buy ceramics. If so, also compare prices between ceramic brands so that there are no expenses that are too high.

Looking for Guaranteed

In addition to price adjustments, you should also look for ceramics that have a guarantee. Don’t hesitate to ask the seller whether the ceramics are guaranteed. The reason is that ceramics will be delivered in boxes. As a result, it will be difficult to ensure good condition or not before buying it. If it is under warranty, this will make it easier for you to return it if there is damage.

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Buy According to Needs

Purchasing ceramics is not only based on budget but also needs. So, adjust what type of ceramic you need at this time. For example, if you want the walls to be protected from all stains, look for tiles that are easy to clean. Do not let the wrong choice so that spending is not excessive. If you don’t know much about the ins and outs of ceramics, you can ask the interior designer to clarify it.